What is soil transformation?

A human composting vessel stood in Earth's state-of-the-art facility

Earth uses the principles of nature to transform bodies into nutrient-rich soil.

Through our proprietary vessel technology, we’re able to recreate conditions found in the natural world. This is achieved through carefully balancing carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and water, and optimizing temperature and moisture levels. This in turn creates the perfect conditions for naturally occurring microbes to break the body down on a molecular level.

Reaching temperatures in excess of 131°F, the heat ensures that any harmful pathogens are killed, and the soil is tested after each process to ensure that it’s safe for humans, plants and wildlife alike.

The soil transformation process returns the nutrients in our bodies to the natural world. Healthy soil is paramount to a healthy ecosystem; it filters water, provides nutrients to plants and animals, sequesters carbon, and helps regulate global temperatures.

Local, sustainably-sourced materials

To achieve the correct balance of carbon and nitrogen, we use a proprietary combination of locally-sourced, organic materials. These are naturally carbon or nitrogen dense.

Mulch - Earth

Organic Mulch

Woodchips - Earth Soil Transformation


Wildflowers - Earth


Gentle, natural process

Step one


Shroud - Earth


30 minutes

Prior to being placed in the soil transformation vessel, the body is gently washed and wrapped in a biodegradable shroud.

Step two

The vessel

Earth's soil transformation - shroud, organic mulch, woodchip, and wildflowers

The vessel

30 minutes

The shroud is placed in its own individual vessel on a layer of organic mulch and woodchip. Wildflowers are added with the shroud.

Step three

Soil transformation

45-day process for human composting

Soil transformation

45 days

The body and organic material remain in the vessel for 45 days. Microbes break everything down on the molecular level, producing a nutrient-rich soil.

Step four

The soil

Earth soil bag

The soil


Each process produces an approximate cubic-yard of soil. Once completed, it can be used to restore forests, preserve conservation land, nourish gardens and combat erosion.

Unparalleled urban sustainability credentials

Earth Soil Transformation



Energy source
Renewable Electric
Fossil fuel
Net CO2 emissions
Water consumption
40 gallons
400 gallons
Nutrient-rich soil used for land restoration
Water flushed into mains sewer
CO2, harmful gasses, heavy metals including mercury

Protecting the planet for future generations

We purchase land to restore and protect using the nutrient-rich soil from the Earth process.

Restoration projects include reforestation, erosion control, revitalizing plant and wildlife, and restoring ecosystems destroyed by wildfires.

Young boy in the Washington woods - Earth