Protect the planet for future generations
Choose an eco-friendly funeral and pay for it now so that your loved ones don’t have to.
Instant online quote
Do something beautiful

Protect yourself
Choose your funeral preference and lock in today’s price. Funeral costs have almost doubled over the past 10 years - with a prepaid plan you lock in today’s price for services in the future.

Protect your loved ones
Give your family the opportunity to grieve your loss and celebrate your life rather than face difficult decisions around your final wishes. Pay for everything now so they don’t have to.

Protect the planet
Choose a funeral option that protects the planet for future generations, not one that actively harms it. Help restore forests, sequester carbon and nourish challenged ecosystems.

Feel great about it
Know that you’re in safe hands with Earth. We’re here to look after you and your family each step of the way.

Gentle, natural process
Soil transformation uses the principles of nature to gently transform a body into nutrient-rich soil. The process is natural, carbon neutral, and takes place in its own individual vessel, using premium natural materials.

State-of-the-art facility
We own and operate the world’s most advanced soil transformation facility. Designed in conjunction with a leading sustainable architect, our facility uses 100% renewable energy and offers a beautiful send-off for a life well lived.

Worldwide coverage
Whether you’re visiting another city, state, or even another country, we’ll bring you home at no extra cost should something happen to you.

Olympic Peninsula final resting place
Each soil transformation process produces an approximate cubic yard of soil. Choose how much soil you’d like returned and send the remaining soil to our Olympic Peninsula conservation site for land restoration projects.

Online convenience
We’ve built an industry-leading online experience for your convenience. Receive regular status updates, create online obituary pages to share with family and friends, and manage your Earth arrangements in one place.
Plan ahead in just three simple steps
Make the arrangements online, over the phone, or at our facility. The entire process takes less than 15 minutes.
Welcome pack
We send you a welcome pack that includes five Earth membership cards. Keep one on your person, and give the others to family members.
Call us when you need us and we’ll handle the rest. Rest assured that you’re in safe hands with Earth.