Green Burial in Nevada
Give back to nature by choosing an eco-friendly funeral plan. Earth provides a green burial option to Nevada residents. Let your final act cultivate life and your love for nature take root for future generations.
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What is green burial?
Green burials use eco-friendly materials, neutralize carbon emissions, and nourish local ecosystems.
By relying on gentle processes found in nature, green burials return our bodies to the earth where they nourish new life for generations. Soil transformation is one type of green or natural burial, in which a body is transformed into nutrient-rich soil and returned to the earth. The process returns the nutrients in our bodies to the natural world, with an emphasis on minimizing environmental impact and fostering a healthier planet.
Whether you need our services now or you’re planning for the future, Earth is here to answer your questions about green burial in Nevada.

Learn more about soil transformation, the process, and the environmental benefits

Nevada green burial services

Carbon neutral
Our process is carbon neutral versus the 535 lbs of CO2 produced by the average cremation (equivalent to a 600+ mile car journey).

Online convenience
Make arrangements in less than 15 minutes, manage everything online with the Earth Portal, and share obituaries with family and friends.

Exceptional care
Our care team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We update you at each stage of the process via email, SMS or via our online Portal.

Green, natural process
Our green burial process uses the principles of nature to transform a body into nutrient-rich soil. By carefully balancing carbon and nitrogen, and optimizing temperature, moisture, and oxygen levels, we create perfect conditions for microbes to break the body down on a molecular level. Unlike traditional burial, soil transformation does not involve the use of burial vaults or grave liners, allowing for a natural return to nature.
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Iconic natural burial grounds
Families can memorialize their loved ones by sharing the soil with friends and family, using it to nourish a garden, planting a tree, or scattering the soil in special places.
Soil can also be sent to our conservation burial grounds where it aids in reforestation and erosion control. These green burial sites play a crucial role in preserving and stewarding land, offering a beautiful send-off for life well-lived.
View conservation projectsThe Earth Package
The Earth Package provides a green burial option that transforms you or a loved one into nutrient-rich soil. This natural, eco-friendly process helps restore forests, sequester carbon, and revitalize challenged ecosystems.
Our package includes everything you need:
Services of a licensed funeral director
Collection & care from place of passing
Filing of all necessary paperwork & permits
An Earth soil transformation
The soil returned to your family
5 Impact Trees planted by One Tree Planted
Access to the Earth Family Portal

Here when you need us
As seen in

Serving each family like our own
Marie B.
It's time to get my end-of-life affairs in order and I was looking for a "green burial". I discovered Earth soil transformation "burials" and compared having my body composted to a green burial in the local green cemetery. For one thing, the price to have my body composted is much more reasonable than buying 70 square feet of real estate in the county where I live in Washington. I also simply love the idea of my body being turned into compost and then reused to grow trees and indigenous plants in a deforested area on the Olympic Peninsula. What a lovely place to rest. Before I made the commitment to this process I took a tour of the facility. It is so cool! Minimal carbon footprint, very positive impact on the environment. Frankly I find the entire process of body composting to be rather futuristic, fun, a little wacky, and just very cool. I feel so satisfied that I have chosen this method. It was easy and everyone was friendly and supportive. The person I worked with was there for me but did not get pushy as I was considering the options. I'm telling everyone I know about it and so many are interested. If you are at a stage in life where you're looking at getting your affairs in order and care about the earth this is a wonderful option to consider.
George W.
As I wind down my life, I wanted to give my family the gift I received from my parents that I appreciated the most, and that is having all my funeral arrangements set, freeing them from uncertainty making decisions and financial angst. When researching options, I immediately pounced upon Earth's Green Funeral option and contacted them with numerous questions. The staff answered all my questions and clarifications with the utmost professionalism, support, empathy, and knowledge. The process of "signing up" was fast and easy on-line, with a very helpful and patient staff member there on my phone to offer assistance. Within the day, I had my electronic copy of the contract with all the instructions, and within a week, the paper version. I love the Pacific Northwest and as a lifelong Boy Scout and outdoorsman, I wanted to integrate back into this planet through a better, greener process , helping the future planet for my immediate family, the extended human family, and all the flora and fauna I so enjoyed.
Green burial FAQs
Green burial is a term that’s applied to a variety of sustainable, eco-friendly alternatives to traditional burial and cremation. Soil transformation is one of these alternatives. Sometimes, “green burial” is used to describe a simplified, natural burial, without embalming chemicals or an excess of materials like concrete and silk-lined caskets. Bodies are instead buried in a shroud or an untreated wood casket that naturally breaks down over time, nurturing the soil instead of polluting it. Soil transformation uses the principles of nature to transform a body into nutrient-rich soil. This soil is then returned to nature, mimicking the green burial process.
Earth is committed to net carbon neutrality and having a positive impact on the planet. Our soil transformation facilities use 100% renewable electricity and our only output is nutrient-rich soil. By choosing a green funeral or soil transformation, you can trust that you are choosing a sustainable, Earth-friendly funeral practice.
Yes, green burials are legal in all 50 states and Earth can assist you with making appropriate arrangements in Nevada.

About Earth Funeral
We’re a team of licensed funeral directors, scientists and software engineers. With a focus on sustainability and technology, we have a different approach to the traditional funeral industry. We’re building the green funeral provider of the future.
We have a collective five decades of funeral experience guiding families through their end-of-life, final arrangements. Although we have a different approach to the funeral industry, we have the exact same professional licenses as other traditional funeral homes and are regularly inspected by state regulators.
You can rest assured that you’re receiving the highest standards in funeralcare. We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your questions and assist you.
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